Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Microsoft Silverlight

microsoft Silverlight logoMicrosoft launches a new technology named Silver Light which is also called an alternate to Flash Player which has rich features and very good graphics which is the main sole of any web page you might have not heard about this Silver light Technology
then have a look >> Silverlight Looks
one more thing that how is different from Flash
--> It is compatible with Java Script
--> It is compatible with .Net Technology also

Some more related links
must see the this link for magic of silver light http://www.microsoft.com/heroeshappenhere/cool-stuff/default.mspx

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1 comment:

Zubin said...

keep it up..u r gettin better...just make longer posts though..add ur reviews as well... ;)

havnt used silver light..so cant comment on that yet.. :)

